Thursday, June 29

The Story of Two Friends

I have received this email from MLMFirePower...
Worth sharing.

This is the story of two neighbors Mike and John. Mike and John became really good friends as the years progressed. Both had very similar backgrounds, they had actually gone to the same college, both had gotten good jobs and had a beautiful wife and each had a couple of kids. Both were by all means successful in their chosen jobs. They both had good sets of friends, and active social lives.

As it turned out, both started a Network Marketing business and were naturally very excited about working for their future and the future of their families. Initially both saw some success but nothing that would allow them to quit their jobs and spend more time with their families.

As time wore on, they continued to struggle and soon their progress was very minimal. Mike grew angry, disillusioned, and blamed everybody he could think of for his failure and promptly quit.

John on the other hand realized that although things weren't going as well as he wanted them to, he knew that he was responsible for his success. He knew that all he lacked was the proper training and knowledge to succeed because what he was currently doing with his business wasn't working. So John decided he needed to learn the basics of marketing. That way he could learn to effectively market his products and opportunity without wasting so much time and money.

It took time, and work, and although he didn't have much time because of his job he was able to devote 10 hours a week into his business implementing the knowledge that he was learning. Eventually, he started making more and more money with his mlm and eventually was making enough money to allow his wife to stay home with the kids, and soon enough he quit his job never to return.

John went on to become one of the top income earners in his company and make gobs of money with his business, but more importantly he was able to help hundreds of others put their business into profit and make money.

What happened to Mike? Well Mike had no money to his name, and spent his days in misery and despair, feeling like a hamster on a wheel. He wondered, in spite of all his hard work, why he couldn't prosper.

John, on the other hand lead a much different life. His days were filled with joy and happiness. He had all the free time he ever wanted. All the possessions he desired. He traveled when he wanted, where he wanted, seeing and meeting friends the world over. But more importantly, John was able to provide his children with the education and the jumpstart in life that he himself never had.

What was the difference between the two men? Knowledge, plain and simple. One learned how to create leverage and control his income and his wealth. He was able to quit his job and live the life he desired.

The other man learned none of these secrets. He simply watched TV every night. He was forever frustrated with his lack of money. He couldn't own the things he wanted, nor could he control his own time after all, he had a job. He was trapped in the rat race and he knew it.

This article is protected by copyright
Harun Bahri
Matrix Contingency LLC.
All rights reserved.

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